Everything to Know About Medical Weight Loss Programs

Obesity is a condition prevalent across many individuals and often associated with abnormal or excessive accumulation of body fats. It is further linked with many other systemic problems, such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, some types of cancers, and high blood pressure. People with excessive body mass also confront many challenges with their personal and social life. Even though, there is a multitude of treatment programs available for obesity, clinically supervised medical weight loss programs prove to be a safer and effective approach than other modalities. 


Initial diagnosis 

Upon consulting with doctors, patients undergo a series of physical examinations and some tests to diagnose their condition. 

Primarily, physicians review their health history with information related to one’s weight history, past efforts, activity charts, and appetite habits. Medications and stress levels may even contribute to higher than usual fat accumulation in one’s system. Thus, a comprehensive review is helpful for proceeding further. 

Then, they conduct a physical exam by measuring height, along with vital signs, such as heart rate, blood pressure levels, and temperatures of heart & lungs. Some cases might need diagnosing abdomens as well. 

As discussed before, obesity is linked with various other bodily illnesses. Visceral fat is an accumulation around one’s waist, and they impose more health risks on patients with smaller waist measurements. Typically, individuals can check their waist circumference twice a year for precautionary care. 

The last step in initial diagnosis is taking blood tests to diagnose any health risk factors. A simple blood test could reveal crucial information about cholesterol, thyroid production, liver function, and glucose content. 

Treatment options 

The goal of any clinically supervised weight loss treatment is to help patients reaching a healthy body mass while reducing the complications related to such changes. All programs require some level of modifications to one’s lifestyle and feeding habits. It is essential for individuals to ensure optimal participation in achieving the desired results. 

Retaining results 

Unfortunately, many people regain the lost weight right after they complete the recovery programs. They mostly overindulge in high-calorie foods or neglect physical activities recommended by their physicians. However, it is crucial to stay on course with the current treatment plan and follow every instruction provided by doctors heedfully. By doing so, they can remain vigilant about their body mass. Furthermore, healthy diets and regular physical activities are the best habits to maintain results for a long time. 


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